Terry Jellison


Terrie has been working out with Sloane and Alexis over at the Santa Barbara Tennis Club for about 9 months. She always shows up ready to work and this has lead to increases in her strength. It has been a beautiful thing to watch. 

1. How long have you been doing the SH program?
 I started the day SH came to the Santa Barbara Tennis Club. 

2. How do you apply SH in your everyday life?
 SH has made my core so strong that everyday activities, such as gardening, hiking, etc. have become easy and pain-free. I feel really strong in everything that I do. 

3. What activities do you like to do outside of the gym?
 Lots of hiking. 

4. What’s your favorite healthy “go to” snack?
 Sliced apples and almond butter.

5: Top 3 songs on your ideal workout playlist?
 This is always changing but my current picks are:

     1. Kid Rock- Rebel Soul

     2. Empire of the Sun- Walking on a Dream

     3. Queen: Radio Gaga

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