Missy Macfadyen
Missy is a client that is a pleasure to train. If you have been in the gym with her, you know her as an easy person to talk to and get to know. She has been training with the Strength Happens program for about two years. In that time she has come to appreciate the method but even better, has started to enjoy working out! She credits Strength Happens for giving her a more positive outlook toward her health and training.
1. How long have you been doing the SH and what value has it brought you?
M: I have been a client at SH for almost 2 years. I found out about SH and Mike from my friend Jan Campbell. Making that contact with Mike, and working out with him and the staff at SH has changed my whole outlook on exercise and nutrition. It has given me a “you can do it” attitude. I have come a long way in my muscle strength, balance and flexibility. Being a part of the SH family has been a gift. I work hard, but have a lot of laughs too.
2. What does strength happen mean to you, and how do you apply it to your day to day life?
M: I am a lot more conscious about how I spend my free time. Moving more and sitting less. Posture is my weakness, so I am always reminding myself of a phrase I hear constantly at SH. “Shoulders back, stand up straight!” I have gained a better attitude when dealing with issues, and have learned not to be so hard on myself.
3. What activities do you like to do outside of the gym?
M: I like to do a lot of hiking, but swimming is always a go to activity for me.
4. What’s your favorite healthy “go to” snack?
M: Peanut M & M ’s and Diet coke!! OK, Almonds and cheese and fruit.
5. Top 3 songs on your ideal workout playlist?
M: Pretty much anything Tom Petty, but somedays it ALL country music